A Binary Indexed Tree(BIT) is nothing but a dynamic variant of a prefix sum array. The only difference is that it supports both the range sum queries and the value updates in O(logn) time.
The idea behind BIT is that every number can be represented as a sum of powers of 2 and hence we need to update/query on maximum of logn different segments.

To visualize how BIT gets filled, let’s take an example. Consider the array: image

The corresponding BIT is: image

To get the sum of elements in the range [i,j], we can use sum(j)-sum(i-1). Similarly, to increase a value at index i by val, we can simply call update(i,val).


#assume 1-based indexing

const int N = 10;
int prefix_sum[N];

int sum(int i)
    int ans = 0;
        ans += prefix_sum[i];
        i -= (i & -i);
    return sum;

void update(int i,int val)
    while(i <= N)
        prefix_sum[i] += val;                
        i += (i & -i);