A modular multiplicative inverse of an integer x is an integer y such that x.y is congruent to 1 modular some modulus m. Mathematically speaking:

( x.y ) % m = 1

It can be proven that such an integer y exists iff gcd(x,m) = 1 i.e. x and m are relatively prime.

How to find it: We will use Extended Euclidean Algorithm (EEA) to get the value of y (if it exists). We pass x and m as inputs to EEA to get the gcd(x,m) and coefficients c1 and c2 such that: x.c1 + m.c2 = gcd(x,m)

Now iff gcd(x,m) comes out be 1 then there exists a solution and above equation can be rewritten as:

x.c1 + m.c2 = 1

By taking modulo m on both sides we get:

( x.c1 ) % m = 1

So c1 returned by EEA is our answer.


int x, y, g, c1, c2;
g,c1,c2 = EEA(a, m);
if (g != 1) {
    cout << "No solution!";
else {
    c1 = (c1 % m + m) % m;
    cout << c1 << endl;

Notice the we way we modify c1. The resulting c1 from the extended Euclidean algorithm may be negative, so c1 % m might also be negative, and we first have to add m to make it positive.